You are Ordeal, Now What?Your completion of the Ordeal sets you on the path of an exciting adventure. The Ordeal has introduced you to the mysteries of the Order. Now, during your period of service to your unit as an Ordeal member, you have ample opportunity to increase your knowledge of the Order and to make it work for you.
Cheerful ServiceYou are now a member of the Brotherhood of Cheerful Service, so it is important that you continue serving your lodge/community in any way that you can. One easy way to accomplish this is to get involved with Waguli Lodge. Follow Waguli Lodge on social media, and subscribe (free) to the Lodge newsletter to stay in the loop for upcoming events/service projects.
Your Next Step, BrotherhoodBrotherhood Membership - From the beginning of the Order in 1915, all members have been equal. There are no ranks. As an Ordeal Member, you are entitled to all the rights and privileges of membership in the Order. Yet, so important is the induction sequence that the Order strengthened it by creating Brotherhood membership. It is an opportunity for members to evaluate their unit service since their induction. Brotherhood membership is sought by Arrowmen seeking to reaffirm their belief in the high purposes of the Order. Before becoming a Brotherhood member, Arrowman must be an Ordeal member for six months, memorize the Order of the Arrow song, memorize the Obligation, the Admonition, the sign of Ordeal membership, and the Order of the Arrow handclasp. Finally, you will write a letter to the lodge secretary.
Want to be an Elangomat?Interested in becoming an Elangomat? Sign up now by clicking the button to the left, or email us at [email protected]