Lodge Officer Assignment List - This resource is updated by the chief to give everyone their assignments. The chief will ask you individual to complete this assignment, but all assignments should be posted here. This is a list to help keep the chief on top of all current lodge activities and to help you stay informed on your responsibilities
Contact Roster - This has the contact roster for the Lodge Leadership and Committee Members. Please only change your own information, and only committee chairs to add/drop committee member information
Current Lodge Planbook - this has a variety of resources designed on helping the lodge and its officers stay on top of all basic lodge functions, information and goals
Lodge Bylaws - These are the Current Lodge Bylaws with the most recent update at Lodge Spring Pow in March 2017
Lodge Calendar - This is the Current Lodge Calendar with all Lodge Member Dates. Please note that Lodge officers may and will have other key dates for meetings and other assigned responsibilities
LEC Meeting Dates - This has all LEC Meeting dates as well as most other dates that Lodge Leadership Will be responsible for throughout the year. Some other dates will be required as well that are not listed
Officer Responsibilities List - This is a list of the broad scale list of the Lodge Officer, Committees, and the Committee Chairs Responsibilities
Lodge Officer Report - Occasionally the Chief might ask you for an officer report to see how you are progressing throughout the year, how you are meeting the year, and any ideas that you might have for the Lodge. This is a template for how to Give a Report to the LEC. Note that the Chief might have you do an Officer Report at any LEC Meeting
Lodge Officer Proposals - If you have an Idea, want to have funds delegated to your committee or other topic within your power and responsibility you may need to propose something before the LEC. This is a template to assist you a proposal to the LEC. If this is not used for any designation of funds materials or lodge efforts it must answer the same questions.
Lodge History Book - This resources was created by Justin Plasket a former Lodge Chief as a Wood Badge Ticket. This has a vast depth of Waguli History, but it still has several holes in history.
Roberts Rules of Order - This outlines the Lodge Parliamentary Procedures that should be conducted in all LEC Meetings
Lodge Photos - This Resource will allow all lodge photos to be easily assessed through the lodge flicker account
Vigil Application - This Resource is the National Petition for Vigil Candidates
Founders Application - This Resources is the National Petition for the Founders Award.
E Urner Goodman Camping Award - National Award to recognize only two lodges per year for their efforts to promote camping
Southern We Support Camping Award - This award is the southern Region award for lodges that meet a variety of criteria for promoting camping
Section Honor Lodge - This is the section Honor Lodge score sheet that list a variety of ways to score points to be considered a section honor lodge and all around best lodge
Guide for officers and Advisors - Is a national publications resource to help Lodge Leadership understand its function and the lodges responsibilities to the council and its scouts. In addition it assist the lodge understand national protocols.
Lodge Finance Book - Is a national publication that aims to assist lodges in planning their annual finances, and gives resources to help with documenting lodge processions and finances.
Lodge Whippoorwills - This is the Lodge Publication, they are released at least quarterly and contain the most up to date information on all activities in the lodge. Note you may be required to write articles for the newsletter, looking back at old articles is an excellent way to structure your article and give you ideas, but please do not copy.
Lodge OA Rep Bulletins - These are abbreviated fast facts about the lodge activities, so that OA reps have an easy abbreviated resources to inform their troop on Lodge Activities
Lodge Vigil Petition - all Lodge Leadership please take the time to complete at least one application throughout the year. This greatly assist the Lodge Vigil Committee in the Selection process, send them in before Spring Pow Wow.
Unit Award of Excellence Form - Application for units to fill out and turn into the lodge to be deemed a unit of excellence in the Order of the Arrow
The Vice Chief of Administration oversees the Lodge Secretary, the Lodge Tressurer, the Unit Relations Committee, and the Memorabilia Chair
The Lodge Secretary Oversees the Communication committee
The Lodge Secretary Oversees the Communication committee
The Vice Chief of Program also Oversees the Vice Chief of Ceremonies, AIA, and Fellowship.
The Vice Chief of Fellowship oversees the vigil Committee and service committee.
The Vice Chief of Fellowship oversees the vigil Committee and service committee.
The Lodge Secretary oversees the communications committee.
Vigil Committee |
National Vigil Petition - This link will bring you to the publications page of the Order of the Arrow to bring you to the most recent Vigil Application.